Your first visit will be an oral examination and consultation to discuss your diagnosis and treatment options. It is an opportunity to meet
Dr. Sonstegard and ask any questions you may have. While certain simple procedures may be performed on the same day as the consultation, most first visits are for informational, diagnostic, and treatment planning purposes.
IMPORTANT: A parent/guardian must accompany any patient under 18 years old to all appointments at our office, including the first visit.
Your First Visit
Please bring the following to your first appointment:
Driver's license or form of ID
Medical and/or dental insurance cards
List of all medications and supplements you are currently taking, including dosage
Medical history
Referral form, along with X-ray or any other scans
X-rays from your referring doctor or dentist may have been sent to our office ahead of your appointment. If you are unsure if you need to bring them, please contact your referring provider​.
Important: For legal guardians of minor patients (patients under the age of 18) who are not the biological parents of the minor patient, please bring documentation proving your legal guardianship.​
Your time is valuable to us.
We try our best to stay on schedule to minimize your waiting.
Our commitment to providing thorough and compassionate care sometimes results in unexpected delays, as we strive to address each patient's unique needs and concerns. We sincerely appreciate your patience if you experience a wait time during your visit to our clinic. Trust that you will be given the same time and attention
during your appointment.